Hygeia Health Systems, LLC ( HHS )
Concerning the Human Dimension in Healthcare

The programs of HHS named after the Greek goddess of health and healing, concern the human dimension of healthcare: the balance of collaboration between the patients and their providers. In this age of advanced medical and information technologies and accompanying changing paradigms in health care delivery, HHS strives to assure that as the benefits of these technologies are fully realized, their expanding sphere of influence does not disenfranchise the patient or depersonalize the physician-patient relationship.

HHS is a suite of programs concerning the apposition of:new medical and information technologies to affect cures and restore health, maintain wellness, and improve the quality, efficiency and safety of healthcare and the need for healthcare providers to provide care that is personal and humane with empathy and compassion.

The programs of Hygeia Health Systems derive their mission from the imperative principles inherent in the healthcare provider - patient relationship: to always maintain, respect and practice the tenets of integrity and inviolate trust.

The History of Hygeia Health Systems:

Hygeia Health Systems began an international community of compassion, empathy and support for families who have endured the tragedy of miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal / infant loss-Hygeia.org. This vision was transformed into the Hygeia Foundation, Inc., a IRS approved 501c-3 non-profit organization, founded in 1995 as an online community which grew to exceed 30,000 members and had become among the most enduring online programs of compassion, empathy and support pertaining to Perinatal Loss. The Hygeia Foundation, Inc. is now called Hope after Loss (http://hopeafterloss.org). It is a thriving non Profit, 501-c-3 organization with a Board of Directors, a Medical Advisory Board and a Parents Board. Although no longer a program of Hygeia Health Systems, the mission of Hope After Loss is fully supported and advocated by Hygeia Health Systems.

Selected Accomplishments of Hygeia Health Systems, Inc.

Hygeia is among the earliest Internet programs (Established 1995) devoted to the very difficult yet pervasive tragedy of pregnancy loss and neonatal death and the only site of its kind entirely created and moderated by an Obstetrician-Gynecologist.

Recognized in several media reports, among them, the New York Times, The Boston Globe, The San Francisco Chronicle, the New Haven Register and the Hartford Courant and featured in interviews by Katie Couric on the NBC Today Show and by Lisa Birnbach on the CBS Early Show.

Hygeia was honored as finalist in the International Information Technology Competition, The Stockholm Challenge, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001,2002 and the GetCare program was introduced and presented to the Society for the Internet in Medicine, Geneva, 2003 and Prague, 2005.

In concert with the New Haven Health Department, the Hygeia Foundation successfully implemented a Burial and Memorial Fund to help indigent families bury their children.

Hygeia was a Founding member of the International Stillbirth Alliance, a non-profit coalition of organizations, physicians, parents, nurses and research scientists, dedicated to understanding the causes and prevention of stillbirth through research initiatives.

Full Timeline →

Hygeia Health Systems Today:

Today, in 2021, as we re-launch the newest division of Hygeia Health Systems, Maternl, the programs are about Healthcare 2021: patient centric and patient focused. They are about the apposition of new medical and information technologies to affect cures and restore health, maintain wellness, and improve the quality, efficiency and safety of healthcare and the need for healthcare providers to provide care that is personal and humane with empathy and compassion. I founded Hygeia Health Systems on principals derived from my personal philosophy to always maintain, respect and teach the tenets that the trust inherent in the doctor patient relationship is inviolate, its bonds sacred and its origins human. Technologies are tools but the vision of the physician, his hands and skills, his thinking and actions, his demeanor and interactions are what heal.